Book your session in the second trimester!

The best time to book your session is in the second trimester after you've found out the gender of your baby (if you choose to do so). Why is this the best time to book? Well, lets go over that below!

Reason #1

Booking your photo session in the second trimester is important because you'll be securing your spot on my calender. I have limited availability and I only take a certain number of clients a month.

Reason #2

The second reason to book your newborn photoshoot in the second trimester is because it'll give me time to plan your session. I take into account your colors and themes if you have preferences. I also like to make each session and setup unique. I order most of my pieces from other small businesses around the world that make them by hand. If you book after baby is born it gives me very limited time to find items if you have very specific needs for your photoshoot.

Reason #3

This one is big and important. Take my word for it. You don't want to be scrambling for a photographer AFTER you've had a newborn. I promise you. The stress of having a baby can be a lot on a momma. The stress only magnifies if you're literally scrambling from photographer to photographer trying to find someone that has an opening or a day that works for you and your family. This recently just happened to me where I didn't have a good day for a potentional client because I was already booked up.

Are you ready to book?

So! If you're in the second trimester or even the third and haven't found a photographer yet..reach out to me. I look forward to hearing from all my Houston mommas and dads! Click the link below to contact me to schedule your newborn photography session here in Houston, TX!

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